Unit 09 ,Galleria Mall, Bldg 130 , Road 0020, Block 331, Abdulrahman Jassim Zinj, Bughazal, Manama, Bahrain
What Doctors Say

Your health matters

Drink Water

When you urinate, you eliminate waste products from your system. To keep your urine flowing normally and avoid blockages, be sure to drink one and a half to two liters of water a day. Drinking water excessively may not be needed and can be harmful to the body.

Teach your daughters to wipe 'from front to back'

If you have children, teach your daughters to wipe 'from front to back'. This ensures that bacteria will not be in contact with the vagina therefore avoiding urinary tract infections.

Urinate before and after sexual activity

If you are sexually active, urinate and clean yourself before and after sex. Bacteria can easily travel up into the urinary tract during sex, causing urinary tract infections. Urinating shortly after sex and wiping yourself reduces the risk of developing an infection. The groin is a major source of bacteria therefore men should also adopt good personal hygiene to avoid infection.

Reduce your caffeine intake

A high caffeine intake may irritate your bladder and has been seen as a diuretic or a factor increasing your need to urinate.

Reduce your salt intake

A high salt diet has been proven to correlate with high blood pressure. It can also contribute to the development of kidney stones. Therefore watching the amount of salt in your diet can help you lower your risk of developing kidney stones.

Eat Plenty of Fibre

Fibre is the indigestible component of plant foods, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, beans and legumes. It is very important for your digestive health, particularly for the bladder. It helps regulate bowel movements by absorbing water into stool, making it easier to pass. This decreases the chance of constipation, which can cause inflammation of the bladder.